Timely Book Illustrator Ellipse Tips

99T by Timely
List Price: $4.75
Our Price: $4.28
Savings: $0.47 (10%)


Size 8-1/2" X 11"
80 pages, 83 illustrations

By H.W. Blakeslee, Captain USN, Retired
Instructor, Technical Education, Central Florida Junior College

A valuable aid to all users of ellipse templates. Shows correct use in isometric, dimetric and trimetric drawings, plus basic principles and development. Underlays include isometric protractor and isometric gear teeth.

Covers isometric principles for engineering illustrators; explains angle measurement and rotation of views; tells correct usage of ellipse templates in dimetric, trimetric and isometric drawings and contains time saving underlays.


  • Weight: 0.3 pounds